Team Black Pearl, consisting of eleven students from Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, received Honorable Mention in "The International Student Design Competition for
A Safe and Affordable Ferry 2023". Twenty-two teams worldwide entered the competition,
organized by the Worldwide Ferry Safety Association (WFSA), USA. First place went to the
University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany; second place was achieved by the University
of Rostock, Germany, and third place to the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS),
Surabaya, Indonesia.
WFSA is a US-based organization that aims to reduce ferry fatalities and increase the use of safer
ferries worldwide. The objective of the International Student Design Competition is to encourage
Naval Architecture students to design safer and more
affordable ferries with indigenous knowledge. From
Bangladesh's perspective, ferry safety is of great concern. An
improved design concept could boost the maritime sector
contributing to national development by helping marginalized
populations with their transportation demands. The result of
this student design competition reflects the bright prospects of
the designers among Bangladeshi students. In the practical
field, these designers can play an essential role in building
safe maritime transportation for Bangladesh
Amanat Hossain Emon has participated Madrid WUDC 2023 (World Universities Debating Championship).
Dr. Kamruzzam, a former faculty of Dept. of NAME, BUET has been elected Chairman for the IACS Survey Panel by direct voting of ABS, BV, CCS, CRS, DNV, IRS, KRS, LR , NK, PRS, RINA. HE will start HIS tenure from January 2023 for next 3 years but will participate IACS’ meetings as incoming Survey Panel Chair until December this year.This is the first time when someone of South Asian origin is taking Charge of IACS Survey Panel.
13th International Conference on Marine Technology (MARTEC 2022) will be held on 21-22 December 2022 at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh.
Please download the undergraduate class routine for January 2021 Semester from here.
The academic council has revised the policies for conducting classes and evaluating students during online activities for January 2020 undergraduate semester. Students should carefully read the detailed guidelines as the evaluation policies and grade systems have been changed significantly. Please read the detailed guidelines from the following attached file.
Notice for postgraduate admission test has been circulated.
Oral Exam
Date: 21 June 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30 pm
Venue: Office of the Head of the Dept. of NAME, BUET
The academic council has revised the policies for conducting classes and evaluating students during online activities for October 2019 postgraduate semester. Students should carefully read the detailed guidelines as the evaluation policies and grade systems have been changed significantly. Please read the detailed guidelines from the following attached file.