Partial List of Major Consutancy Services :
- Existing aft & forward platform strenthening Design/Drawing of BNS Sundarban rendered to Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-16718/NAME/2011-12 Dated 17/8/2011)
- Issuance of Certificate regarding Slipway Capacity of Khan Brothers Slipways and Engineering Works Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-15768/NAME/2011-12 Dated 25/7/2011)
- Checking and Verification of Intact Stabilty Booklet of 90 m vessel of Three Angle Marine Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-14021/NAME/2010-11 Dated 14/6/2011)
- Issuance of Certificate regarding Slipway Capacity of FMC Dockyard Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-12833/NAME/2010-11 Dated 18/5/2011)
- Certification of the design of Speed Boat, its structural configuration and construction materials rendered to Golden Fibre Glass
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-08627/NAME/2010-11 Dated 27/04/2011)
- Inspection and certification of Imported Ellicott Dredger and Associated pipelines and floaters rendered to Aquamarine Dredging Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-11811/NAME/2010-11 Dated 26/04/2011)
- Checking and Verification of Intact Stabilty Booklet and related Drawings of of M. V. PARAPAR-11 rendered to Three Angle Marine Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-08627/NAME/2010-11 Dated 22/2/2011)
- Test and Certify the load bearing capacity of slipway of Meghna Shibuilders and Dockyrads Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-15041/NAME/2009-10 Dated 5/7/2010)
- Inspection and certification of 70 Ton Gantry Crane and Equipment rendered to Ananda Shipyard and Slipways Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-04550/NAME/2010-11 Dated 8/11/2010)
- Consultancy Service on Construction of Multi-channel Slipway Project of Bangladesh Fishery Development Corporation.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-00808/NAME/2010-11 Dated 24/7/2010)
- Test and Certify the load bearing capacity of slipway of DEW, Narayanganj
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-012302/NAME/2009-10 Dated 12/6/2010)
- Inspection and certification of Imported Cutter Suction Dredger rendered to SS Dredgers and Engineers Co. Ltd.
(vide-BRTC no. 1100-01317/NAME/2010-11 Dated 7/08/2010)
- Analysis and recommendations of the tilted barge of Mymensingh Power Station of Rural Power Company Ltd. (RPCL)
(vide-BRTC Letter no. 83/07-08 dated 24/03/2008)
- Checking and verification of Drawings and Design rendered to K-type Ferry of BIWTC.
(vide-KSY letter no. Project-7/Part-3/2415 dated 30/11/2008)
- Load bearing capacity of Bismillah dockyard
(vide-BRTC Letter no. 03/09-10dated 08/07/2009)
- Opinion on cost of repair done to MV Banga Bonik as a result of collision with MV Marissa Green’
(vide Report submitted, duly signed on 30/3/2009)
- Baseline study on the Bangladesh Shipbuilding sector –Challenges and the way forward’ conducted by Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
(vide report submitted on September, 16, 2009)
- Design and Construction of 2 Cellular Container Vessels.
Testing of Load bearing capacity of two Slipway of Basundhara Steel and Engineering Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2008.
(vide-BRTC no. 4217/07-08/NAME dated 18/11/2007)
- Assessment of Damage Caused by Explosion and Fire on board M T Banglar Shourabh at Chittagong Outer Anchorage on 24.06.2006 and Technical advice on temporary repair” for Bangladesh Shipping Corporation in July, 2006
- 'Design of four different types of Coastal Vessels (Class) for the Govt. of Mozambique' rendered to Ananda Shipyrad and Slipways Ltd., Bangladesh, 2006.
- Design and Drawing of 1(one) no. Lloyds Class 30 Meter Pilot Vessel rendered to Dhaka Dockyard and Engineering Works, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2003).
(vide BRTC no. 0648/02-03/N.A.M.E. dated 4/8/2002 and BRTC letter dated 31 May, 2003).
- Speed Power Calculation of 500 Ton Self Propelled Water Barge rendered to Mongla Port Authority, Bangladesh & Karnaphuli Slipway (Dockyard) and Marine Workshop (Pvt) Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh in November, 2002.
(vide BRTC no. 2274/02-03/N.A.M.E. dated 25/11/2002).
- Survey of Repair Works of Mary Anderson done by Dockyard & Engineering Works Ltd., rendered to Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation in 2002
(vide BRTC no. 2054/74 (N.A.M.E.) dated 23/10/2002 and BRTC letter no. 16/02-03 dated 1/10/2002).
- Consultancy Services for Various Strength Calculation of a Coastal Vessel MV Abu Bakr for Dockyard & Engineering Works Ltd., Narayanganj, Bangladesh in June, 2002.
(vide BRTC no. 6018/01-02/NAME dated 8/6/2002 and GL letter dated 18/3/2003).
- Procurement of a Passenger Ferry (Sea Truck) for Char Development and Settlement Project- II for Bangladesh Water Development Board, Dhaka (2001).
(BRTC No. 375/00-01).
- Assessment of M.T. Jamuna" for Jamuna Oil Company Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh (2001).
- Hydrostatic Table, Stability calculation with maximum allowable inclining angle of BNS TISTA for Khulna Shipyard Ltd., Bangladesh Navy, Khulna (2001).
(Vide BRTC No. 05/01-02).
- Technical Consultancy/Assistance for selection of suitable propulsion Machineries for M. T. Jamuna, an Oil Tanker for Jamuna Oil Company Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh (2000).
(BRTC no. 1992/00-01/NAME dated 30/10/2000).
- Development of Cost Effective Standard Designs for Mechanised Country boats for plying in the inland waters of Bangladesh" under the financial assistance of Danish International Development Agency for Munna Enterprise, Dhaka, Bangladesh.(1997-98).
- Calculation of Bollard Pulls in two different mooring situations at Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Limited (CUFL) jetty at Chittagong", for SCANCEM Ltd., Bangladesh, August 1998.
- Techno-Economic Evaluation for Rehabilitation of three passenger Vessels PS GAZI, PS KIWI and PS TERN of BlWTC for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (1997).
(Ref. BRTC 3770/96-97/NAME dated 06/07/97).
- Design and Drawings of Pontoon for Bangladesh Coast Guard" for Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC).
(Ref. BRTC 3586/96-97/NAME, dated 16/6/97 and BFDC letter dated 29/8/96, 4/12/96 and BUET endorsement dated 10/12/96 and BUET letter dated 12 December, 1996 and 17 January, 1997).
- Quantitative Survey of Construction and Supply of 3 nos Accommodation Barges for Ananda Builders Ltd., Bangladesh (Ref. BRTC no. 2288/96-97/NAME dated 19/12/96) (1996) and One Unit Hydrographic Survey Work boat for BIWTA under IWT-Ill Project, IDA credit no.-2232 BD" for Ananda Builders Ltd., Bangladesh. (Ref. BRTC no. 0416/97-98/NAME dated 27/7/97 and Head, NAME endorsement dated 24/9/97).
- Quantitative Survey of Construction and Supply of One unit of 250 no. of Steel Floaters for Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), for Ananda Builders Ltd., Bangladesh January'98 (1998) and 1 no. of 48 ft. Small Pontoon of first phase of 30 no. Pontoons of Inland Pontoon facilities" for Ananda Builders Ltd., Bangladesh (1998).
- Certification of Capacity of Slipway of KBBIC Shipyard Ltd." for KBBIC Shipyard Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh (1996).
(vide KBBIC letter dated 28/5/96 and 25/6/96).
- Certification of Capacity of the Slipway of Dhaka Dockyard and Engineering Works Ltd" for Dhaka Dockyard and Engineering Works Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (1995).
Design and drawings of wooden mechanised Boats for coastal circles under the Forest Resource Management Project for Divisional Forest Office (DFO), Bhola (1995).
- Design, Construction, Supervision and Installation of landing stage for Rural Infrastructural Development under LGED for Local Government Engineering Deptt, Netrokona, Government of Bangladesh, under Netrokona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management project. (1995).
- Rationalization of Freight structure and Schedule of Rates for transportation of public sector food grains and other foodstuffs by Marine Transports for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), U.S.A. (1994).
- Defining Transom Height of Outboard Engine for Bangladesh Water Development Board, (1993).
(vide BRTC No. 938/93-94/NAME dated 20/9/1993).
- Re-engining and Renovation of Bangladesh Navy Vessel, BNS Karnaphuli for Paxman Diesels Ltd. UK, (1993)
- Review and Evaluation of bid offers through International bidding for Procurement of one Buoy Tender Vessel for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (November, 1992)
(vide BRTC no.1467/92-93 dated 22/11/1992).
- Preparation of PPs (Project Proformas) for the Investment Projects on Rehabilitation of Selected BIWTC vessels (1991) (vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-2)/943 dated 10/8/91 and approval of Head, N.A.M.E. dated 12/8/91), Procurement of Miscellaneous Equipment and Development of Infrastructural Facilities for BIWTC (1991-92). (vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-2)/947 dated 10/8/91 and approval of Head, NAME, dated 12/8/91), Procurement of two Coastal Vessels for Chittagong -Barisal Route for BIWTC" financed under IDA Credit, (1990, 1991-92), Procurement/construction of four additional Roll on Roll off Ferries (1992) (vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-2)/253 dated 20/3/92 & Head, NAME approval dated 21/3/92) and Procurement of two Coastal Passenger Vessels for operation in Chittagong-Barisal Route (1992).
- Preparation of Technical Assistance Project Proforma (TAPP) for the “Technical Assistance projects on Management Consultancy Services” for BIWTC (1990) and Techno-economic and Financial feasibility of alternative Container Vessels suitable for the Proposed Dhaka-Narayaganj Container Terminal" for BIWTC (1992).
(vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-2)/947 dated 10/8/1991, approval of Head, NAME dated 12/8/1991, BUET letter dated 23rd March, 1992, BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-2)/235 dated 10/03/1992 and Head, N.A.M.E. approval dated 21/03/1992).
- Preparation of Project Concept Paper for the following projects :
1. Procurement of two new Coastal Vehicular Ferries for Bhola-Lakhipur route (1990).
2. Procurement of two new Inland Passenger Vessels for Dhaka-Bhola route (1990).
3. Procurement of two new Coastal Passenger Vessels for Chittagong-Kutubdia route (1990).
4. Procurement of two new Coastal Passenger Vessels for Kumira-Guptachara route (1990).
5. Procurement of two new Coastal Passenger Vessels for Chittagong-Barisal route (1990).
(vide BIWTC letter no. 451/89/Khanda-2)/7294 dated 4/11/90, Head, N.A.M.E endorsement dated 12/11/90, BIWTC letter no. PC-451/89 (Khanda-3)/276 dated 24/5/1992 and Head, N.A.M.E approval dated 27/5/1992).
- Design and Construction of a Slipway for Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology, Narayanganj" for Public Works Department (PWD), Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (1990-91).
(Vide BUET Letter dated 24/2/1991).
- Preparation of Project Concept Papers (PCP) for the following projects:
1. Management Consultancy Services for BIWTC (1990-91).
2. Rehabilitation of Selected BIWTC vessels (1990).
3. Procurement of Miscellaneous Equipment and Development of infrastructural Facilities for BIWTC (1990).
4. Procurement of two Coastal Vessels for Chjttagong -Barisal Route for BlWTC (1990).
5. Procurement of three new Inland Passenger Vessels by replacing the existing old and worn out fleet operating in Dhaka-Khulna route for BIWTC (1992).
(vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451/189/Khanda-2/271 dated 24/5/1992, Head, N.A.M.E approval dated 27/5/1992, Ref: PC-451/89/7222 dated 14/11/1990 and Head, N.A.M.E., approval dated 14/10/1990).
- Preparation of Project Proforma (PP)/Technical Assistance Project Proforma (TAPP) of IWT-3 Project for BIWTC (1990-1991) (vide BIWTC letter no. PC-451-89 (Khanda-2)/184 dated 31/12/1991, BRTC 141/91-92 dated 21/12/1991 and Head, NAME approval dated 28/12/1991).
- Design for Conversion of Aluminum Boat M-4 for Commandant, Base Workshop, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME), Dhaka Cantonment, Bangladesh Army (1989).
(vide EME's acknowledgement dated 12/9/1989 and other documents).
- Preparation of the following project documents for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) submitted to BIWTC for submission to World Bank on 5/3/1989.
(vide BIWTC letter dated 23/11/1988 & BRTC no. 2467/88-89 dated 5/6/1989 etc, Head,NAME letter dated 25/2/1989 and various letters of BUET & BIWTC dated 11/2/89, 25/2/89, 22/4/89, 3/6/89, 5/6/89, 11/6/89, 27/6/89, 10/7/89, 2/9/89, 20/9/89, 25/9/89, 13/11/90, 23/11/89, etc.).
1. Passenger Vessels for main trunk routes.
2. Passenger Vessels for Coastal belts and islands.
3. Passenger Vessels for Feeder Transit Routes.
4. Cargo Coasters for carrying dry cargo.
5. Oil Tankers.
6. Tugs for towing BIWTC Dumb barges.
7. Container Vessels.
8. Cattle-Carriers.
9. Fast Passenger Vessels.
10. Very fast moving shallow draft Passenger Ferries.
11. Procurement of Hovercrafts.
12. Vessels for carrying materials for proposed Jamuna Bridge Project.
13. Crafts for flood emergency and inspection.
14. BMRE of BIWTC vessels for improving its operational capacity.
15. Infrastructural development of BIWTC.
- Study of the Possible Improvement of the Design of Existing Ro Ro Ferries for BIWTC, June, 1989.
(vide BRTC no. 2467/88-89 dated 5/6/1989 & Head, NAME letter dated 8/2/89).
- Preparation of PP on Rectification of defects of three Dieselized Passenger Vessel for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) (1989).
(vide Head, NAME endorsement dated 3/6/1989 and Bureau of Research Testing & Consultation (BRTC), BUET, no. 2467/88-89 dated 5/6/1989 and Head, NAME letter dated 25/2/1989).
- Procurement of Steel boats for UNICEF (1989-90).
(vide UNICEF letter BD-S (SCF/1115-1)-686 dated 19 July, 1988 and KHC letter dated 30th July, 1988 and October 31,1988).
- Standard Design of Mechanized Wooden Country boats" and "Standard Design of Mechanized Wooden Fishing Boats" for Farmland Traders Ltd., Bangladesh (1988-89).
(As per various documents including agreement between BUET & Farmland Traders Ltd., dated 5 April, 1988).
- Supervising the Construction of Upazila Ferries and Pontoons" for Roads and Highways (R&H), Bangladesh (1987-89).
(As per various letters and documents including letter of Head, NAME, BUET dated 27th Dec, 1987 and 12 Sept, 1988 and R&H Minutes of the Meeting held on 23/3/1988 and R&H letter dated 21/5/1988).
- Technical and Financial Feasibility study of Crash Program Passenger Vessels and Deep Sea Trawlers for Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (BSRS) (Bangladesh Industrial Credit Organization) (1984-85).
(vide various documents and Head, NAME, authentication dated 9/8/1984).
- Technical and Financial Feasibility study of the conversion of 18 Inland Passenger Vessels under Crash program for Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB)(1983-84).
(vide Head, NAME authentication dated 9/8/1984).
- Procurement of a Fisheries Research Vessel from Japan", for Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Bangladesh (1980).
- Design and construction of Inspection Launches, Patrol Crafts for Bangladesh Police, Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Port Authorities and also 500 Ton self propelled water barge,
40’ Patrol Boat, 87’ Patrol Craft, 65’ Inspection Launch, 35’ Work Boat and 75’ Seagoing Launch during service at DEW Ltd., Narayanganj, Bangladesh in 1976-77.
(vide GM, DEW’s certificate dated 12/8/1984).