Message from Head of the Department

The department of naval architecture and marine engineering (NAME) is the only department in Bangladesh of its kind
which plays a significant role on the education and research in the field of ship building technology. Since its birth in 1971, the department is constantly
evolving itself towards outcome based education and is sigficantly contributing towards economic development of Bangladesh through
promotinal and collaborative activities with many local and overseas organizations. Over the years, the department is relentlessly producing brightest and most
birilliant graduates in the field and is also providing expert professional services to many reputed Governmental & private organizations all over the country.
The department has almost
forty years of history of excellence in undergraduate and post-graduate study and research in the field of maritime engineering. The syllabus and the course
curiicula are continuously updated by the department keeping pace with the world demand and similarities with the universities of Asia, Europe and North America. In the
current course curricula, students can choose their field of specialization from any of the two divisions namely i) Hydrodynamics & Structure and ii) Design &
sustainable development and management of world class shipbuilding.
Due to recent booming in ship building, the Governemnt of Bangladesh declared it as thrust secor.
Production divisions. The department is committed to produce well-qualified graduate engineers capable of meeting the challenging and ever-expanding needs of
To cope with the high demand of naval architects, the number of intake has been increased
from 30 to 55 (to be effective from the next term). I congratulate all successful candidates in BUET addmission test and welcome them to choose this department
for building their prospective career in maritime sector and contributing to make our country as shipbuilding nation
Prof. Dr. Nayeb Md. Golam Zakaria
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