About NAME Department

The department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineer starts its journey at BUET since 1971. The department is emriched with a group of high quality faculty members having Ph.D degree from abroad
The department offers both under graduate and post graduate degrees in the field of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. The undergraduate program started in 1971 and the postgraduate program started in 1988.
Undergraduate students seeking the degree (B.Sc. Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine) must complete a series of subjects in four year program. In addition to the undergraduate course, there are postgraduate programs available in which the students get the opportunity to specialize in certain areas in greater depth.
The department has vision to establish itself as a centre of excellence in naval architecture and marine engineering program for producing well-qualified graduate engineers capable of meeting the challenging and ever-expanding needs of sustainable development and management of world class shipbuilding.
The mission of the department is to provide an international standard education in naval architecture and marine engineering by:
• Providing high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs that prepare students for professional naval architecture and marine engineering careers in industry, academia, and Government, non-government regulatory body.
• Developing and maintaining internationally recognized research programs in selected areas of naval architecture and marine engineering.
• Enhancing professional development by visits, workshops, seminar, conference and training and updating knowledge.
• Building up a strong academic network with other national and international Universities & research organizations and promoting collaboration with local industries for their development.
The department is committed to the following core values:
• Quality and Excellence
• Leadership and Teamwork
• Fairness and Integrity
• Transparency and Accountability
• Respect and Responsibility
• Truth and Honesty
• Sincerity and Morality
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